Landscaping the Nordic countries and the Baltics
To better understand the Nordic and Baltic research data repository landscape, the working group conducted a desk study to examine the characteristics of the data repositories in the region. This was done using publicly available information on 86 repository websites. A significant majority were specialist repositories focused on specific fields or disciplines, while the rest were generalist repositories.
We were interested in what information about the repository itself was easily accessible to users and other stakeholders because conveying trust is crucial. We were looking for information that is essential for understanding the services and reusing data: mission statement, description of the designated community, methods of data preservation, model citations, use of PIDs and terms of use.
Almost three out of four repositories had a mission statement and about half of them had a description of the designated community. Almost half specifically mentioned being responsible for long-term preservation. A little more than half provided a model citation for their data. Over three fourths had the terms of data use available on their websites. The content and scope varied between repositories.
Common repository registries, such as re3data and FAIRsharing, help users find suitable repositories and provide an overview of existing services. As many as 72% of the repositories in our sample had a record in re3data, while only 22% had a record in FAIRsharing. All repositories that had a FAIRsharing record also had a re3data record. This suggests that currently re3data is considered the most important registry for repository information.
Repository certification
We are also looking for information about the repository certifications. Only 17 (20%) of the repositories mentioned certification on their website. The most common certificate was CoreTrustSeal (CTS). Other certificates mentioned were the CLARIN certificate, ISO 27001 and WDS. Currently, there are relatively few CTS-certified repositories in the Nordic countries and the Baltics compared to Western Europe. Support and training for CoreTrustSeal self-assessments offered during the EOSC-Nordic project is expected to pump the number of certified repositories from ten to 15 or 16.
Although the certification alone does not preserve a single byte, it seems that support, networking, and awareness raising over the past couple of years in the EOSC-Nordic project have helped the players in their game to keep the data FAIR.
This blog entry is partially based on the final report of the work package. Deliverable D4.5 Report on completed FAIR data standard adoption and certifications of data repositories in the region is forthcoming.
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Tuomas J. Alaterä
Senior Specialist (Web Services, Digital Preservation and Communications)
firstname.surname [at]